John Klar

In Pursuit of Hay

A Talk by John Klar (Farmer, Author, Politician)

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About this Talk

Often in my childhood when driving with my mother, she would point to a truckload of hay and say “Make a wish! Whenever you see a hay truck you should make a wish!” Wishing is the secular counterpart to praying, and my mom, born and raised a short distance from where I now write this essay, was shaped by a frugal, agrarian culture in which a full load of quality hay was regarded as a blessing or gift.

And so it is. My wife and I made our own square-bale hay for years in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, where we usually put up between 6-9,000 bales each year with the help of our young children and a few beer-fed farmhands. Now I gather hay from various farmers (at $4-$7/per bale, rather than the $2-$3 we received two decades ago). This is an enterprise I wish to share.

December 13, 2024, 03:00 PM

03:00 PM - 03:45 PM

About The Speakers

John Klar

John Klar

Farmer, Author, Politician

Food Freedom

Farmer, Author


Bellows Falls Opera House

Bellows Falls Opera House

7 Village Square, Bellows Falls

Main Theater

Meadows Bee Farm

FOOD — What is it? How do we grow it? What is edible? What do we really want to eat? Join me in fields and farms as we figure it out! We are a community-based farm, where the relationship between humans, animals and soil is brought together to bring vitality to the Earth.

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