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Check out this year's speakers:
More to be announced soon!

Joel Salatin
Polyface Farms

Winona LaDuke
White Earth Land Recovery Project

Matt Kibbe
Free the People

John Rodgers
Vermont Farmers Hemp Company

John Klar
Farmer, Author, Politician

Margo Baldwin
Chelsea Green

Yemi Amu
Oko Farms

Leigh Merinoff
Meadows Bee Farm

Caitlin Caserta
The Hungry Diner

Chris Caserta
Hungry Diner

Harley Sterling
Windham Northeast Supervisory Union

Chef Julian Johnson
Jamaican Jewelz

Pete Miller
Miller Farm

Ian Calder-Piedmonte
Balsam Farms

John Janiszyn
Pete's Stand

Teresa Janiszyn
Pete's Stand

Noah Elbers
Orchard Hill Breadworks

Graham Meriwether
Leave It Better
Enjoy incredible local food

Bring your homestead or home garden to the next level.
Featured talks
Not sure what to watch? Here are some talks you won't want to miss.
Liberty Food Festival - Kids are welcome and free!
There will be a joint festival going on for ages 6 and up.
Kids 5 and under are allowed to attend but must be accompanied by
a parent. Activities will include DIY crafting, lessons in raising rabbits
and vermicomposting. This experience will be supervised by
professional educators from the Leave It Better Foundation.
December 13, 2024, 02:00 PM

December 13, 2024, 04:00 PM

December 13, 2024, 05:00 PM

December 13, 2024, 03:00 PM

Notice something unusual about our speakers?
Winona LaDuke, the 1996 and 2000 Vice Presidential candidate from the Green Party- running mate with Ralph Nader.
Joel Salatin, lifelong Libertarian and Lunatic farmer.
Ian Calder-Piedmonte, a Democrat councilmember in Long Island who runs a thriving vegetable farm.
John Rodgers, a Republican who is the Lt. Governor-elect of Vermont who owns and operates a farm that has been in the family for two centuries.
Why did we choose to do this?
All of these people are incredible advocates for the local food movement. They all agree we are better off when local and regional food systems thrive.
The local food movement is more important than politics. It is about health. It is about strength. It is about a bond stronger than any political affiliation.
What should we do to strengthen the local food system?